Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My littlest angel

Alli has been giving me a hard time about not changing this thing, the truth is, she had a big part in doing this and now that I don't have her here to help me with it, I am left to flounder through this tech world without any help. Are the violins playing yet? Ok well anyway, I thought I would share that Briggs had another first yesterday. We went outside decked out from head to toe in snow gear, yes you can picture "A Christmas Story" here because he has a puffy coat. Anyway, we tried to build a snowman but the snow was too dry and fluffy. Perfect for skiing but not so good for snowmen. Anyhoo, I decided that he should make a snow angel. He didn't know what I was doing but trusted me as I laid him down in the snow and told him to flap his arms. He started flapping them by picking them up and putting them down. I eventually got him to slide them on the snow and then his legs. When I picked him up out of the snow, he thought his snow angel was pretty neat. Next time I will try to get some pictures on here.